National Mid-Winter Cruise - Rose is in the teal dress on right
Message 5 - April 2024
My journey as your Department President will be coming to an end soon.  This journey has taken me across the state, and across the country several times and it has been a journey I will never forget. I did my best to represent you at all National functions from National Convention to National Café Event in Utah, to National Legislative Conference in DC, National Voice of Democracy Parade of Winners, to National Mid-Year, and at the National President Carla Martinez’s Visit here in WA and soon we will be at National Convention again.

I will never forget the support of our Past Department President's. Whenever I asked questions, they gave me the information needed to make decisions for the future of our Department.   Our line officers for being and doing what you do in support of our Department. My Chairman you are the most amazing people I know,  juggling volunteer  work,  jobs and  families,  plus all the demands  of Bulletins, Promotions and reports to your National  Ambassadors you have a  place in my heart.  Thank you, Thank you!

 To our Department Secretary Treasurer Cindy Burkey, you are definitely underappreciated. 

Juggling membership applications with missing pieces, Secretary of State issues for auxiliaries, IRS Issues for auxiliaries, and just being there to guide Treasurers and Trustees through audit issues as well as so very much more. Your support of me as Department President and the support you gave other Past Department President, shows your commitment to this Department and our organization, we didn’t always agree, but you stood beside me or whomever was our Department President at the time. You don’t let your personal feelings get in the way of doing what you do to keep this Department strong. Thanks just doesn’t seem like enough.

Thank you to my Chief of Staff Elaine Taylor. You were my sounding board, always letting me bounce things off you, and together we came up with different resolutions, and were able to save a few auxiliaries that were struggling.

Thank you to all of you as members.  We reached our goal of 100%  in membership, and the applications keep coming in. My hats off to you, as of this message we are at 100.32 % this is with the loss of 101 members, may they rest in peace, we will maintain the watch and we will remember you at our joint memorial service  in June. We have 167 New Life members; we would like to WELCOME to the Department of Washington Auxiliary.

The National President’s Visit was a huge success thanks to VFW Post #2669 and its Auxiliary Members as well as several others listed here. A Special  Thank you to Commander Todd Gruchalla, the Adjutant Jacob Bauer, the Quartermaster Dan Bujok, and the Club Manager Bill Biltoft, and post member Ron Swanson, for smoking or cooking our meals. Thank you District #4 President Wendy Parfrey, Sr Vice President Lori Biltoft, Jr Vice President Fran Gruchalla, Post member Art Bonneville and Es Bonneville for all the side jobs. Another special thank you to Harley Nelson (soon to be a member) for smoking extra brisket, and Andrea Nelson (soon to be a member) for the coleslaw, and NEW auxiliary member #2669 Karen Ryers thank you for selling raffle tickets. Thank you to Wolf Squadron Sea Cadets for their service throughout dinner as well as for clean up. Mr. William Lewis, you have an amazing group of Sea Cadets. Thank you, Robbin Seeberger, for everything you did to keep it all together! I am sure there are others that I have missed, please forgive me, as it was an extremely busy night.  Also, FYI, we raised a large amount of money which will go to Carla’s Special Project - $500 from dinner proceeds, $243 from the raffle, and $78 from the 50/50 PLUS Lori Netttles gave her winnings from the 50/50 to Carla’s special project as well!  This was all on top of the $815 Auxiliaries have donated throughout the year.  Thanks to all of you who participated and donated to this special cause!

District # 7 - Thank you for the lovely flowers and gifts. The cash was added to my Special Project. 

I have 2 more Districts to visit. District #2 and District #3 and I look forward to my visit. I am sure that I will have a great visit, so I will say thank you in advance for the courtesies shown to me.

I will be dressed as a "Superhero” at some point in time at the Department Convention, because I lost the "VMS Challenge” but I don’t feel like one. I think of all of you as my SUPERHEROES. I am so very proud of you, the members. Showing up for meetings, taking offices, and minding the Homefront and "Do it for Those Who Can’t”. I know you are there because you care.” Banding Together for our Veterans” you continue to show what awesome people you are. 


Rose Green President

Department of Washington Auxiliary

 Message 4 - February 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

Wow! Mid -Winter has come and gone.  We would like to give a special thank you to District # 7 Auxiliaries for such a successful Mid-Winter. We had so many compliments on the courtesies you showed all of us. Here are some names of those who made your Mid-Winter so successful, Shirley Lance, Paulette Rivera, Carol Trunzo, Char Lauer, Dorene Bendickson, Bicky LaRoque, Jo Cadwallader, Angela Fillion, Barbara Miller - plus a few others behind the scenes people.

Thank you to Michelle Thompson for substituting for Margie Lindberg our Legislative Chairman, who was hurt and undergoing medical treatment. Thank you to Elaine Taylor who substituted for Doreen Dale our Americanism Chairman, Thank you to Cindy Burkey  who substituted for Lori Nettles our Department Hospital Chairman who had emergency shoulder surgery, Sylvia Strohm for watching the raffle baskets, Annie Sullivan for VMS,MVS table ,Kirsten Moylan for 50/50 sales, Candice for Department Pin Sales and Shirley Brown who substituted for our Department Guard. If I missed someone I apologize in advance, as there was so much going on. I thank you for your willingness to help wherever and whenever possible.

To all of the Line Officers, Department Chairmen, District Presidents, and members who braved the weather to get to Mid-Winter, I thank you for your dedication to our organization. This was one of the most difficult Mid-Winters we have ever been to; that is, what would have been a 3-hour journey for many of you  turned into an all-day event.

Thank you to Robbin Seeberger and Cindy Burkey for their training classes. There were lots of questions asked and we hope you got the answer you were looking for.

The centerpieces turned out better than I imagined. There were 11-Poppies, 11 Tear drops and 11 Pictures of our veterans. 11-11-11 we remember them. Thank you for the photos, and for bringing your veterans to dinner.

We would like to let the 85 People who were not able to attend Mid-Winter that you were missed. 

On March 4, 2024, I will be at the Legislative Conference in DC and at the Parade of Winners. I look forward to walking with our Voice Of Democracy Winner from District #6 Benjamin Offutt . This will be live streamed.

The CHALLENGE is over. The Auxiliary lost, but it was a close race. VFW #7392 won the chance to dress me up like a Superhero at the June Convention. Please continue to send your contributions in to VMS and NVS.

As of February 10, 2024, we are 97.37 % in membership. We are only 225 people away from being 100%, and I know that we will get to 100% soon. Please get your membership in. There are lots of benefits to being a member of the VFW Auxiliary. If you follow this link  you will find discounts on Insurance programs to include Auto, Home, Accidental Death an Dismemberment , Long Term Care, Cancer Grants, Hearing Plan, and travel benefits.

The end of March will find you thinking about Delegates. These Delegates are good for a year. When registering Delegates and Alternates think about who will be at District, Department and National Conventions. Make sure they know what you think about upcoming issues, so they can be your voice. 

My journey took me to District #6. Thank you to the District President Tom Huffman for the handmade Poppy Ornament and lovely Patriotic Glass Ornament   along with the Love Gift. My journey these last couple of months took me to several awards functions, and to VFW Auxiliary #5564 McCleary Auxiliary to present them with their charter. It was presented 2 years after their institution; may the presentation of the Charter bring you good luck.

There will be a "Salute to Veterans WEEK” at the Seattle VA February 13,2024 and several auxiliaries have donated items for the booth. Thank you for your generous donations of note pads, pens, snack packs of crackers, granola bars, water and so much more. Thank you to Pam and Connie Vitiritti for manning the booth. 

There are some additional awards - look at Veterans and Family support and see Department Chairman Annie Sullivan’s Bulletin.  There is another Award for Extension & Revitalization, please see the Chief of Staff Report. Use Historian and Media Relations Award NO. 1 when sending in Legacy Video - see Historian and Media Relations. There is an award for National Auxiliary Member of the Year and a copy of it will be in this Bulletin.

We hope you will join us for the VFW National Auxiliary President’s Visit March 27-29, 2024, in the Port Orchard area. There was a flyer sent to every auxiliary president to announce at their meeting. All members are welcome not just the Presidents. This is your opportunity to meet the National President Carla Martinez. Sister Carla is a veteran. She loves ornaments. Please bring a postcard representing your area to give to her to show her what your hometown looks like. If you have any donations for her Special Project please bring them, as there will be a gift presentation at the dinner.

Those of you who are coming please bring your floor flags for the "Aisles of Honor”. If you are attending the dinner, please bring your Auxiliary or District banners with a stand. We would like to see how many Auxiliaries and/or Districts are attending the dinner.

Please start looking at your Year End Reports, time is slipping away from us, but there is still time for more projects. Thank you for your continued support of our veterans.

This Department has time and time again stepped up and is "Doing it for those who can’t” and are "Banding together for Our Veterans.”


Rose Green, President

Message 3 - December 2023
Brothers and Sisters,

Where does time go? It is hard to believe that 6 months have passed since we started this journey together, and I am forever thankful for those of you who continue to do so much for our veterans. I have seen your struggles, but you continue to remain strong and continue your mission of serving our veterans.

We are, once again, asking for your assistance. Our Chairmen write to their Ambassador almost every month, but struggle to find information to give to their Ambassadors. They report what they are doing to promote their Program, but they also write about what you the members are doing for their Program, Thus far, they haven’t received many reports, so please look at what you are doing, and share what you are doing with our Department Chairmen. You can follow this link to the Department website and our Programs to find out who the Chairmen are and their contact information, so you can report to them.

Please consider inviting the Department Program Chairman to your events, so they can see firsthand what you are doing for the Programs. I know many of them love to travel. If you are unsure what Program to report to, then report to all of them. They can pick out information that pertains to their Program.

I want to tell all of you that I am very proud of all our Department Chairmen. They have met deadline after deadline. I feel like a proud Mom when they share comments that they are getting from their Ambassadors. Our Chairmen continue to do the best they can for all of you.

The CHALLENGE is out. Please read Annie Sullivan’s Veterans and Family Report. I would like the Auxiliary to have the opportunity to dress the Commander as a Superhero. This would mean that we the Auxiliary  donated more to VMS than the Post. If you plan on donating to VMS, please bring your donations to Mid-Winter and get into the drawing.

If you are hosting an event and have a flyer, please send the flyer to Robbin Seeberger our Historian. The website calendar has 4 categories. They are Department Event, Officer Assignments, District Event and, Auxiliary Event. Some events can also be reported to the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs for consideration. Follow this link to their calendar and look for submit an event for consideration.


As of December 11, 2023, we are 92.46 % in Membership. Way to go Washington! Keep up the good work.

Please keep a look out for Life Member payouts from National. Your Auxiliaries should receive them in January.

Robbin Seeberger will be doing some Legacy Videos at Mid- Winter. If you would like to have an interview, please see her. There are very limited spaces, as each interview takes about 30 minutes.

Friday will be a training day for Auxiliary members at Mid-Winter.  These training courses are for all Auxiliary members. We hope you will join us. See Agenda for location and time.

My journey has taken me to District #9, District # 11, District #5, District #14, and District #4. Thank you to the District Presidents, and Auxiliary Presidents for such warm welcomes when I have visited you. This journey also took several of us to the Western Conference in Utah. There we the Department of Washington and the Department of Wyoming did a skit called Red Flag Warnings. We had fun and the members had a good laugh. Thank you to all for their input into the skit to make our skit successful.

The VAV’s Representatives and Deputies have been extremely busy seeing to our veterans’ needs in the hospitals. They have stepped it up and met many of our veterans’ special requests, especially at this time of year. They are using your hospital donations wisely. If you see them remember to thank them for the awesome job they are doing with your donations.

I look forward to seeing you at Mid- Winter.  Safe travels to those of you that are traveling.

I am proud to serve as your Department President for WE ARE "Doing it for Those Who Can’t” and "Banding Together for Our Veterans." We have accomplished so much  already this year and I know we will continue to meet our veterans’ needs.



Rose Green, President

Message 2 - October 2023

Wow! Time is just flying by. The journey I am taking as your Department President is an amazing one. It is keeping me very busy, but it truly is an experience of a lifetime. We do have some issues in our Department, but so do other Departments. It is what we do with these challenges that can hurt us - or it can make us stronger. The decisions I make as your Department President hopefully will make usstronger. I can also tell you the great things that you are doing as members of our organization outweigh the bad. Sometimes you have to step back and remind yourself of the big picture, and that is what we are here for.... and that is to make the lives of our veterans better that we have existed. I am reminded of some words in our opening.They are read by the President in the openingof our meeting  LetALL OUR ACTIONS be for the greater glory of our cause. I know what you are doing gives me a good feeling, and I can't wait to see more projects that you have done on my journey.

During the past coupleof months my journey took me to Kansas City for NationalConvention in July. August took me to Gig Harbor for the first School of Instruction, a Memorial Service for Past Department Commander Cy Young, and to Spokane for a second School of Instruction. Then back to Spokane to deliver items to Airway Height for some of the fire victims. On August 26,I was in Prosser for my first official visit for District #17, after that I was in California for a few days. There we stopped to see a few friends at Mission Valley VFW, and back to Washington for District#1 visit in Everett, on September 13th I was in Wenatchee for the District#7 visit, on September 15, 2023 I was in Oak Harbor for District #15 visit. Along this journey I was showered with gifts for me as well as my special project. I want to express my thanksto all the District Presidents, Auxiliary Presidents, their lineofficers, and members for making my trips so enjoyable. September also found me in Utah at the CAFE Event (Celebrating America Freedom Event). There are several photos in the Photo Circle. Please read the Department Historian Program to see how you can join the Photo Circle and how you can add photos to the Photo Circle.

A shout out to all the Auxiliaries that donated to the Fire victims in Medical Lake as well as Elk. The members of our Auxiliaries really stepped up by providing support as well as monetary donations to the fire victims. We still have funds set aside to use for these fire victims' needs. This is a slow process as we know veterans are proud, and that they believe someone else needs it more than they do, but the funds are available, and are slowly getting to those who really need it.

TheDepartment Hospital visits to American Lake,Vancouver VA Medical Center,Seattle VA Medical Center, Retsil and Orting are now complete. At each of these visits a check was provided to the facility to help assist in taking care of our veterans - thanks to you and your pledge of $3.00 per member as I know it helps to make their stay in the hospital more enjoyable/comfortable. I have to tell you that I can't be prouder of our Representatives and Deputies at these facilities. The work that they do in these facilities is commendable. Their dedication to these veterans leaves me speechless, and thankful for their dedication to our veterans. The visits were truly enlightening, especially to the Research and Development Department at Seattle. The CLIMB Program and work with prosthetics was absolutely amazing. The Mo POC van and what they do as a mobile unit was outstanding. The comfort cart in Vancouver brought me great joy, thanks to Sister Marjorie for getting permission for me to assist her. The Retsil visit found us looking into future projects. At American Lake we found that the volunteers were down under 50% of what they were, so if you know of someone who would like to volunteer in this facility they could really use your help - someof their needs are simple, like cart drivers to pick up people in theback lot and get them to their appointments. Orting has lots of future projects as welt but work on the facilities will put that onthe back burner for now. There is a definite need for RED COATS at these facilities.

BREAKJNG NEWS - In the next General Order we will be issuing a VMS CHALLENGE that willtake place at Mid-Winter. It will be the Post verses the Auxiliary. We are working out the details with the Department Commander, myself the Department President as well as the Veterans and Family SupportChairman on the Auxiliary side, the VMS Chairman on thePost side, and our Buddy Poppy Chairman.

We have encountered several challenges along the way, but our Department Officers have worked together to come to reasonable solutions for the issues we have faced. I thank my President's Advisory Committee for their guidance, for it takes a village to keep our Department strong.

I am blessed to be your Department President becauseI know that thereare so many members of our Department out there doing so much for our veterans. Keep up the great work of our organization, and you truly "Doit for those who Can't". "Banding Together for our Veterans" we can accomplish anything!


Rose Green, President


Message 1 - August 2023
Greetings, we would like to welcome you to your visit to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Washington Auxiliary website and thank you for your interest.
Our organization was founded to support the veterans of the world who have stepped forward to preserve the rights and beliefs of our great nation. We provide support, assistance and aid as needed to the veteran and their families.
A great majority of our incredible volunteers devote their time and place the organization’s needs before their own needs and family. These incredible volunteers are among the best and I am proud to stand up and represent them for the job and mission they complete.
To become a member of this great organization, your family tree must include a veteran who has been forward deployed into a combat mission or campaign. Your eligibility can be established by presenting a copy of your veterans’ discharge certificate, which will prove their service. Eligible sponsors include mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, grandfathers, and wives that have served on active duty.
If you love a veteran- want to become involved within your community – then we encourage you to engage and join the Auxiliary,
My theme for this year is "Do it for those who can’t”. This stems from the family and friends who have been exposed to agent orange, burn pits, wounded, or killed in combat, even those that have committed suicide are those families who we need to assist. We understand that if they were still here, they would continue to serve and help us continue our mission.
The incoming National President, Carla Martinez, theme is "Banding Together for Our Veterans”. Continuing to work together we can achieve many goals and find new ways to continue to improve our support of veterans and families.
My official pin is a poppy w/ a teardrop. This design is based on the poppy and the significance to our veterans, while the tear drop represents those who have committed suicide and the tears that were shed due to their loss and many long deployments without knowing. There are many other reasons for tears such as the many who have returned home with TBI, suffer the agony of PTSD, and most of all the many that have returned without all of their limbs and body parts.
VFW means a variety of things to different people and is the reason that each one of us has joined this great organization. We would like to have you become a part of us and help make the difference in your family, and your community.
I would personally like to welcome you to the VFW Auxiliary and chat with you to discuss your reason for joining. I look forward to you being a valuable member of our organization.
In loyalty,
Rose Green
2023-2024 Department of Washington Auxiliary President
Department President's Special Project Info
1. Support the National Commanders & National Presidents Joint Special Project - Raising / donating funds to rebuild the Welcome Center at the VFW National Home
2. Donate extra funds to the National Programs. Your auxiliary can select which program(s) to donate to. Examples include: 
  • Veterans and Family Support- National is looking for donations to Veterans and Military Support
  • Americanism - Donations to buy flags for when we are in parades and other patriotic events. 
  • Buddy Poppy- Support of the National Commanders and National Presidents Special Project 
  • Hospital- Donate extra funds to hospital
  • Scholarships - Donate funds to the various scholarship programs (Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen, Patriotic Art and 3D Art)
  • Youth Activities  - Donate funds to Illustrating America, Red white & Blue , and Youth Essay Awards accounts.
  • There is a revised check summary for this year to support the tracking of additional donations.
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