Requests from VA Hospitals and Veterans Homes
Updated 02.05.2025
Please reach out to the VAVS Representatives for each location to get the most up to date donation needs!
Locations / Requests
Mann Grandstaff VA Medical Center Spokane
Washington Veterans Home, Port Orchard
American Lake VA, Lakewood
Contact Rex, 253-583-1078,
Seattle VA
VA Vancouver Campus
Spokane Veterans Home
Walla Walla Veterans Home
Johnathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center, Walla Walla
Fisher House Puget Sound (02.05.2025)
Here is the link for our 501(c)(3) organization, Friends of Fisher House Puget Sound
Here is the link that takes you directly to our newsletter page
Friends of Fisher House Puget Sound
Orting Veterans Village (